Streusel Cake

Ingrients & Directions

The Art of German Cooking by
Betty Watson

2 pk dry yeast 1/2 c butter 1/2 c warm water 4 c sifted all-purp. flour
3/4 c milk 1/2 c sugar 1 x grated rind of one lemon 1 ts salt 3 ea eggs
PREPARATION Sprinkle yeast over warm water. Heat
milk, sugar, salt and the 1/2 cup butter together ’til sugar is dissolved
and butter melted. Cool to lukewarm. Add dissolved yeast. Place the flour
blended with lemon rind in large mixing bowl; form a well in the center.
Add yeast-milk mixture and the eggs. Stir until blended and smooth. Pour
into a buttered 9×13-in baking pan, spreading dough evenly. Let rise in
warm place about 45 minutes. NOTE: Next time I would inhibit rising to
below edge of pan. Mine rose quite actively, and because of the dough
height, the rich Streusel ran over in the oven a bit.
properly pronounced (Stroyzel, not Stroosel. Streu (Stroy) means to strew.)
1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar 1/2 tsp cinnamon Chop butter into the mixed
sugar and cinnamon to form fine particles. Sprinkle over top of risen
batter. Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 30 minutes or until top is
golden. NOTE: Author suggests top should be syrupy, but authentic
Streusel is crumby (not a negative remark, quite the contrary! G) but
moist enough to hold on the dough without falling off.


10 Servings

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