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The Hundred Dollar Chocolate Cake

Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c Real butter, or half butter,
Half margarine
2 c Sifted sugar
2 c Cake flour
1 1/2 c Sweet milk
2 Egg yolks, well beaten
1 ts Vanilla
1/4 lb Bitter chocolate (4 sqs)
2 ts Baking powder
2 Egg whites, well beaten

Cream butter and sifted sugar. Add the melted chocolate. Fold into
this the egg yolks and vanilla. Sift flour with baking powder and
sift twice more. If butter is sweet, salt will be necessary (1/4 tsp
should be enough). If using salt butter, do not add salt. Combine the
two mixtures, alternating with the milk. Lastly, fold in the beaten
egg whites. Pour batter in 2 greased and floured 9 inch cake tins.
Bake in a moderate oven (350 to 375 degrees) for 30 to 35 minutes or
until cake tests done. Remove from oven and cool before icing.

The original recipe called for 1 cup chopped pecans to be folded into
the cake batter, but we prefer to add them to the frosting. You can
take your choice. I ice this cake with chocolate frosting and add 1
cup of chopped pecans to it. I also like this cake with the pink
peppermint frosting given below.

2 unbeaten egg whites few grains salt 1 1/2 cups sifted sugar crushed
peppermint candy chocolate shot or grated sweet chocolate 5 Tbls.
water 1 1/2 tsp white corn syrup 2 or 3 drops oil of peppermint 1 or
2 drops pink vegetable coloring

In the top of a double boiler place the egg whites, salt, sugar and
water mixed with the white corn syrup. Use a rotary egg beater and
cook the mixture 7 minutes by the clock, beating all the while. Have
the water boiling when you begin to make the icing. When done it
should stand in peaks. Add the oil of pepperming and taste the
frosting to get the right amount (I think peppermint extract would
probably also work in this, Gruver). Color pink with vegetable
coloring. After you put the frosting on the cake and while it is
still soft, decorate the top of the cake with alternating rows of
crushed peppermints and chocolate shot or grated chocolate.


1 Servings

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