Treacle Tart

Ingrients & Directions

2 oz Wholewheat flour
2 oz Self-raising flour
1 oz Lard
1 oz Margarine or butter
1 pn Salt
Cold water; to mix

4 oz Wholewheat breadcrumbs
5 tb Golden syrup and 1
-tablespoon black treacle
Milk to glaze

(taken from an old family recipe, but updated with the correct measurements
from Delia Smith’s Complete Cookery Course)

Pre-heat oven to gas mark 5, 375F or 190C. Lightly greased 8″ loose-based
fluted flan tin

Make up the pastry, leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Roll out
thinly and line the tin, cutting off the trimmings and keeping them on one

Measure out the treacle and syrup and mix in breadcrumbs thoroughly. Put
the mixture into the pastry case.

Roll out the trimmings and cut strips long enough to make a criss-cross
pattern all over the surface of the tart. Brush strips and edges lightly
with the milk, place tart on a baking sheet in the oven and bake for about
30 minutes. Served with whipped cream.

Enjoy (and don’t get on the scales afterwards!)

1 Servings

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