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Tu Bishvat Fruitcake

Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1 pn Salt
1 c Oil
4 c Flour
1/2 oz Baking powder
1 ts Baking soda.
2 c Dried fruits (figs, dates,
-prunes, raising etc.)
-chopped into 1/2 cm (1/5″)
1 c Peanuts or pecans ground to
-pee size
1 tb Ground lemon peal
1 c Orange & lemon juice (or
-milk & wine)

Source: cakes for all seasons by nira scheuer

1. Preheat the oven to 170C / 325F.

2. Put sugar, eggs & salt in a bowl and beat until you get a white creamy

3. Pour the oil slowly and steady into the mix while continuing to beat it.

4. Mix in a separate bowl the flour, baking powder, baking soda, dried
ruits, ground lemon peal and the peanuts or pecans. Add gradually the dry
mix and the juice. continue to stir only until you get a smooth and even

5. Pour batter into a 26cm./10.5″ buttered pan and bake in oven for 65-75

1 Servings

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