Vasilopeta (greek New Years Bread)

Ingrients & Directions SERVINGS ———————SOURCE: GREEK COOKING FOR TH——————— FROM: SALLIE KREBS 5 c Flour, sifted Dough is smooth and firm, 1/2 c Milk, lukewarm -adding more flour as 1/2 lb Butter, melted -necessary. Place dough in 6 ea Egg, slightly beaten A greased bowl, brush it 2 pk Yeast […]

Ingrients & Directions



5 c Flour, sifted Dough is smooth and firm,
1/2 c Milk, lukewarm -adding more flour as
1/2 lb Butter, melted -necessary. Place dough in
6 ea Egg, slightly beaten A greased bowl, brush it
2 pk Yeast -with melted butter, cover,
2 c Sugar -and allow to rise in
1/2 t Salt A warm place for 2 hours.
1 t Cinnamon, ground -Knead again lightly on a
1/2 t Nutmeg, ground -floured board; shape
1 T Orange peel, grated Dough into a round loaf,
Almonds, blanched -bury a silver coin in the
Sesame seed -dough, place on a
1 ea Egg yolk Greased baking sheet, cover
Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup -with a towel, and allow to
-warm water. Sift 5 cups of -rise again in a
-the flour into a -warm place for 1 hour.
lg Bowl; make a well in the (Note: the single, large
-center of the flour. -loaf is traditional, but
-Combine milk, yeast If you wish to make 2
And water, melted butter, -smaller loaves, separate
-eggs, sugar, salt, -dough in 2 sections, and
-cinnamon, nutmeg and orange Follow the same process as
Peel and mix thoroughly -for the single loaf.) When
-with a wooden spoon, until -dough is risen the
-well blended. Work Second time, brush with egg
These ingredients into the -yolk, sprinkle generously
-flour with your hands -with sesame seeds,
-until thoroughly And arrange the almonds to
Blended. Place dough on a -form the number of the new
-lightly floured board, and -year. Bake at 350
-knead until the Degrees for 1 hour.

This traditional bread or cake has a special ceremony. The head of the
house slices the bread at midnight, as the New Year rings in, and the
finder of the buried coin shall be blessed with good fortune. This
bread keeps a long time and is excellent toasted with your morning

1 loaf


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Magic Lemon Meringue Pie

Tue Jan 1 , 2013
Ingrients & Directions 1 Pastry shell; baked/cooled 2 Eggs; separated 14 oz Condensed milk 1/2 c Lemon juice 1 ts Lemon rind; grated 1/4 ts Cream of tartar 1/4 c Sugar Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In medium bowl, beat egg yolks; stir in condensed milk, lemon juice and rind. […]

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