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Velvety Apricot Cake

Ingrients & Directions

2 3/4 c Cake flour
1/4 ts Salt
2 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Salt
3/4 c Shortening
1 3/4 c Sugar
3 ea Eggs
1/2 c Apricot juice
1/2 c Water
1/3 c Apricot pulp
1 ts Vanilla

Stew apricots as for table use, drain and put fruit through sieve.
Cream shortening, add sugar gradually, beating thoroughly. Add yolks
one at a time, beating well. Combine water, juice and pulp, add
alternately with dry ingredients which have been sifted together.
Fold in stiffly beatn whites. Bake either in loaf at 350 F. or layers
at 375 F. Frost with boiled icing.
1 Servings

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