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Wheat Sprout Bread

Ingrients & Directions

2 c Warm water
2 ts Malt
2 tb Molasses
1 tb Yeast
5 c Hard whole wheat flour
1/2 lb (about 2 c) wheat sprouts *
1 ts Salt
2 tb Whey powder (opt)
3 tb Oil
1 1/2 tb Soy flour

From the Arcata Co-op Bakery Makes 2 1 1/2 lb loaves. Nice
chewy-crunchy bread, sweet and nutritious.

* Soak wheat berries overnight and sprout in container, rinsing twice
daily, for 2-4 days. They get sweeter the longer they sprout.

Mix together water, yeast, sweeteners and two cups of flour. Let sit
till bubbly then add remaining ingredients, and knead well, reserving
or adding a little flour to obtain a good elastic texture. Let rise
in oiled covered bowl, shape into loaves and let rise again. Bake at
350 F for 45 min.

2 Servings

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