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Zucchini-kuchen (zucchini Cake)

Ingrients & Directions

10 1/2 oz Small zucchini (300 g) -fruitcake mix, as
1 c Less 2 Tbsp sugar (200 g) The flavor would be
4 Egg yolks -different. K.B.]
Juice and grated peel of one 3/4 c Plus 2 Tbsp flour (100 g)
-lemon 1 ts Baking powder
1 ds Salt 4 Egg whites, chilled
2 tb Rum Shortening for greasing cake
3 1/2 oz Flaked coconut (100 g) -mold
3 1/2 oz Candied fruit (100 g) 7 oz Dark cake glaze (200 g)
-[candied cherries, per the -[This is a prepackaged
Illustration. Do not use

chocolate glaze available in Germany. The glaze from the ‘Rehruecken’
recipe should work just fine, or any glaze recipe that produces a
hard (not creamy) chocolate frosting. K.B.] flaked coconut for garnish

Wash and dry zucchini, and trim off ends. Finely grate the unpeeled
vegetables. Spread on a clean dish towel and pat dry. Beat sugar and
yolks until creamy and sugar is dissolved. Add lemon juice, lemon
peel, salt, rum, flaked coconut, and mix well. Cut the candied
cherries in half, or chop into smaller pieces, as desired. Add to
mixture. Mix flour and baking powder and add it as well as the grated
zucchini. Beat the chilled egg whites to stiff peaks and carefully
fold into the batter. Pour into well greased ‘Rehruecken’ mold [I
would also flour it, I think. K.B.]. In a preheated oven, bake at 350
to 390 degrees F for 40 to 50 minutes.

Let cake cool in pan for 5 to 10 minutes, then carefully invert into a
grate and let cool all the way. Half a day before serving, cover
with cake glaze all around. Let glaze dry. Shortly before serving,
dust with flaked coconut.

6 servings

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